Konrethe Nightbloom

Hi! I'm a writer, roleplayer, and aspiring artist!

Things I Do

- Playing World of Warcraft
- Roleplaying
- Making Stories
- Editing Videos
- Create/Mess around with electronic music
- Exploring the Depths of Azeroth
- Creating Lore for my Characters
- Constructing and Analyzing
- Engaging with Logic and the Universe
- Learning about mysteries and conspiracies
- Constantly get involved in projects I end up abandoning /hj

Current Projects

Vanish Like a Dream Season 1 - (January, 2022)Comprehensive Lore Document - (September, 2022)

Social Analysis

I am heavy on physical and social analysis.


YouTube Channel
Discord Server
Discord - Konrethe#1021
Battle.net - Arediirn#1709

My Characters

- Faethalara Lunaspyre (Night Elf Guardian Druid)- Full List: Konrethe's CharactersI will update this page as characters are developed.

The Abyss

The concept of the abyss is one that is interwoven throughout every aspect of our daily lives. I fell into it, and so will all of you.MORE TO COME ON THIS SUBJECT!!